In today’s date in every company like agricultural, e-commerce, food delivery they all need a logistics partner. And this is the perfect time to start your businesses. 

In today’s blog, I am going to guide you step by step on how you can start your own logistics company. 

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What is logistics business?

In logistics business your need to deliver products from manufacturing unit to retailers, wholesalers, and end customers. You can consider it another way of transferring good which is made for business. You need a term and transport system to start this business. After that, you need to collab with some company’s which need your services and boom you are in the business.

Now talk about the steps that you need to follow to start this business.

Step 1. Define Business Model

Before starting the company you need to decide what type of business model that you want to follow. There are two types of business models. One is owning your own company and another one is a franchise model. Both have different pros and cons. If you own your company then it’s up to you how you can grow it. You can innovate new ideas and you can work as you want. In another case, if you do a franchise model them your setup cost is very low. You don’t need to think so much. 

And one another thing you need to decide that what kind of service you are going to provide. Because there are two types of services. One is pick up and drop and another one is from pick up to warehouse then drop. 

Step 2. Company registration.

First, you need to register your business name with the government of India. For that, you need a unique name and trademark on this name. You need to register your company like private label, public labels, or proprietorship. 

After that, you need these licenses

  • ISI certificates
  • GST number
  • Warehouse or shop license
  • Udyog Aadhar
  • Transport license.

Step 3. Setup a transport system.

For a successful logistics company transport system is very important. Without this, you can even start your business. So for this, you can collab with any third-party transport company or you can set up your own.

If you collab with others then you need to be dependent on them but your cost will be decreased. And if you set up your own then you have full control over it. You can provide your services anywhere you want. But in this case, you’re initial cost will be increasing.

Step 4. Marketing

Marketing is very important for your company. But in this case, you don’t need to show ads on TV or in the newspaper. You need to show ads to the big company that needs your services. Like manufacturing company’s, big warehouse owners, and suppliers.

Step 5. Grow Your Connections in the market.

Connection is very important for a business. Because it helps to generate more customers. You always need to try making more and more connections you can. In today’s date, you can use modern intent technology for this. You can use Facebook and LinkedIn to make new connections. 

Step 6. Hiring manpower.

Manpower is an essential part of your business. You need to hire the right manpower for your business. You need to hire software engineers, factory workers, delivery workers, management, and marketing and sales.

You have too little bit conscious about selecting manpower. 

Step 7. Software and technology for your business.

For your business, you need high-tech software and technology. You need software to manage the pick-up and drop service. For managing inventories in the warehouse and for managing your transport system. You can hire software engineers for making your own or you can use third-party software. I suggest you for starting time you need to go for third party software and when your revenue grows up use can make your own.

Step 8. Locating for your business

In the logistics business, you don’t need any particular locating to set up your big factory or big office. Because you’re working is moving and delivering the products in the whole country. But you need a fix locating to set up your head office from where you can control your all business. 

Step 9. Pricing

Pricing is one of the important factors of your business. There are already do many logistics company are in the market. In case of competing with them, you can low your price for the starting time. Your need to deliver more services at a low price for customer acquisition. After some time when you become a strong player in the market, you can increase your pricing.

Step 10. Taking risk

In your business, there are a few risks that you need to take if you want to make your business profitable. Some of them are set up your transport system, set up your warehouse. In both cases, there are some positive and negative factors. And another risk you can take which can make a huge impact on your business is delivering in a locating where another company does not deliver yet. But for doing this you have to think about the profit and loss. If you do the right thing then there is a very high chance that you become the market owner of this particular location. And this thing can generate more revenue for your business.


The logistics business is one of the amazing businesses of you excited it properly. You have to take risks by doing proper research.  Once you become established in the market then you don’t need to lock back. You need to work hard at the initial time like every business need to do. After that the market is yours. I wish you success with your new business.

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